CRREA Project Is Recruiting for Law Student Interns

Download our Recruitment Flyer 

CRREA Project is seeking interns for the Spring 2021 semester.  Will you help us get the word out?

CRREA Project has relied on law student interns since the day we launched this site.  Law students draft our regulatory advocacy materials, they conduct research that informs our reports on CFPB, and they gather input and feedback about CRREA Project materials by interviewing and engaging with all types of experts and stakeholders.  The contributions made by law students to CRREA Project cannot be overstated.

Internship Experience

We do our best to make the experience enjoyable and valuable for our students.   We endeavor to offer students flexibility to work on what they are passionate about.  We can tailor the experience to what a student needs most given their stage in law school and their career path.  Whether a student needs to leave this internship with a writing sample, a few professional contacts, or more subject matter expertise in a particular area, we work with students on their professional development goals.

The internship is fully remote, and the work schedule is determined by the student’s availability.  We have worked successfully with students in a range of time zones.

Qualifications and Preference Criteria

CRREA Project is seeking law student candidates with: (1) demonstrated interest or experience in public policy and government and (2) experience with plain language writing for a mass audience. 

We prefer to work with students who can obtain academic credit or a stipend through their law school for this experience, and who are generally available for 10+ hours per week.

How to Apply

Students should send a cover letter and resume to and  Applicants are encouraged to apply by November 6.

Questions or Suggestions

Contact Us with any questions, and also let us know if you have any suggestions about law schools we can contact who may have particular interest in supporting their students to intern with CRREA Project.

Thanks for your help!

Diane and Kate